
autoinsurancequotesus.com is not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal program. autoinsurancequotesus.com is an online lead generator, matching consumers with businesses that offer products and/or services of interest. autoinsurancequotesus.com is not a licensed broker, carrier or direct provider of insurance products or services. In order to perform the matching services and enable you to secure a quote from a provider, autoinsurancequotesus.com may require you to submit health information. Your responses, and the information you choose to submit in order to obtain a quote will help improve the accuracy of your quote results. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the information you choose to provide to autoinsurancequotesus.com will be collected, stored and transmitted only to autoinsurancequotesus.com‘s partners, and solely for the purpose of matching you with businesses that can provide you with quotes. Make sure to compare rates and fees, as they can vary between health insurance providers and may depend on the state in which you reside.